Applying and Modifying Preset Styles in Photoshop

In addition to layer effects, Photoshop also offers you a multitude of preset layer styles that you can access via the Styles palette. You can also access these styles by using the drop-down Style picker in the Options bar, when the Pen or Shape tools are active and you have the Shape layer option selected. And you’ll find the Styles palette nestled in the Layer Style dialog box as well.

Here are the many splendid ways to apply a preset style:
- Select the layer and click a style in the Styles palette.
- Drag and drop a style from the Styles palette onto a layer in the Layers palette.
- Drag and drop a style directly onto the image window. When your cursor is over the element to which you want to apply the style, release your mouse button.

Managing preset styles
Here are some additional points to remember when using the Styles palette. You can do any of the following:
- Load another Style preset library: Click the triangle at the top right of the Styles palette, Style picker drop-down palette, or the palette in the Layer Style dialog box. From the menu that appears, choose Load Styles to add a library to your current preset list. Select the library and click Load. You can also choose Replace Styles. Even easier, just choose a preset library from the bottom of the menu and click OK to replace or append your current list.
- Use the Preset Manager to load preset style libraries: You can also rename, delete, and save whole libraries of presets.
- Return to the default library of presets: Choose Reset Styles.
- Choose a viewing option for your palette: You can choose Small or Large Thumbnail or Small or Large List. And, of course, there’s also Text Only, but what fun is it if you can’t see the presets?
- Rename a preset style: Double-click the style in the Styles palette. If you’re in Thumbnail view, type a new name in the dialog box and click OK. If the view is set to list, simply type a new name directly and press Enter (Return on the Mac). You can also choose Rename Style from the pop-up menu, which you can access by clicking the triangle in the upper right of the Layers palette, the picker in the Layer Style dialog box, or the Style picker drop-down palette in the Options bar.
- Save a set of preset styles as a library: Choose Save Styles from the pop-up menu found in the Styles palette, from the pop-up menu in the Layer Style dialog box, or from the pop-up menu in the Style picker drop-down palette in the Options bar. Name the library, navigate to the Styles folder in the Presets folder in the Photoshop folder, and click Save.
- Delete a preset style: Drag the style to the trash can icon in the Styles palette or Alt+click (Option+click on the Mac) on the style. You can also choose Delete Style from the pop-up menu, found in the Styles palette, the Layer Style dialog box, or the Style picker drop-down palette in the Options bar.
- To clear a style (that is, remove it from the layer): Click the Clear Style button in the Styles palette. You can also click the No Style swatch in the standalone Styles palette or the ones located in the Layer Style dialog box or Options bar.
- Change the style or color of the currently active shape layer: Click the link icon in the Options bar and select a different style or color. This option allows you to experiment with different styles for that shape. Also, the color swatch in the Options bar changes as the foreground color changes. Conversely, deselect the link icon, and Photoshop won’t change the style of the active shape layer when you select a different style. This option allows you to choose a different style or color for a new shape layer without affecting the previous shape layer. If you have the link icon deselected, the active shape layer determines the color swatch in the Options bar.

Creating your own style
If you get bored using the preset style libraries or if you really went to town and created a custom style that you think is so fabulous that you’ll want to use it again and again, you can easily save it to the Styles palette. Here’s all you need to know about saving custom styles:
1. Create your own custom style by applying layer effects and/or styles to your layer.
It is also easy to start with an existing preset style and modify the settings to suit your needs.
2. After you complete your style, click the Create New Style button in the Styles palette or choose New Style from the palette pop-up menu.
You can also drag your selected layer from the Layers palette onto the Styles palette or simply click in an empty space in the Styles palette. Or you can double-click the layer thumbnail to open the Layer Style dialog box where you can click the New Style button.
3. In the New Style dialog box name your style and select your desired options.
Include Layer Effects will include any effects you applied via the Effects section of the Layer Style dialog box —drop shadows, bevels, and so on. Include Layer Blending Options will include any blending you did using the Blending Options section of the Layer Styles palette. Photoshop adds your new style to the end of the Styles palette. Unfortunately, unlike effects, after you create custom styles, you can’t edit them. So make sure you like it before you make it a custom style, or you’ll end up redoing it. Alt+click (Option+click on the Mac) to create a new style and bypass the dialog box. Your style gets the default name of Style 1.
Applying and Modifying Preset Styles in Photoshop Applying and Modifying Preset Styles in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 5:41:00 AM Rating: 5

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