Changing Default Inner and Outer Glow Effects in Photoshop

The inner and outer glow effects possess many of the same settings as the shadows. But unlike shadows, with glows you also have the option of using a gradient for your glow. This can produce an interesting custom halo effect. Follow these steps to edit your own glow:
1. Double-click the layer thumbnail or the layer style icon (florin).
The Layer Style dialog box opens.
2. Specify Blend Mode, Opacity, Color, Spread, and Size settings.
If you are editing an inner glow effect, you see the options of Source (Center or Edge) and Choke rather than Spread. The Center option applies the glow over the entire image except the edge, whereas the Edge option applies only to the element’s edge. The Choke option behaves similarly to the way the Spread option behaves.
3. Choose a preset gradient from the Gradient drop-down palette or click the Gradient Editor button to edit or create your own gradient.
4. In the Technique option, choose either the Softer or Precise setting.
Choose Softer to apply a blurred glow. This option doesn’t preserve detailed edges of the element. Choose Precise to create a glow that is good for hard-edge elements such as type. This option does preserve the details.
5. Use the Range and Jitter options for the Contour setting.
6. When you’ve refined your effect settings, click OK.
Your effect is edited and ready to rock.
Changing Default Inner and Outer Glow Effects in Photoshop Changing Default Inner and Outer Glow Effects in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 4:52:00 AM Rating: 5

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