Creating a New Image in Photoshop

At some point, you’ll want to create a new image from scratch. You may want an empty canvas to paint on or need a blank image as scratch space. Or you may want to paste a copied selection into a new document. Follow these steps to use the New feature to create a new image:
1. Choose File➪New or press Ctrl+N (Ô+N on the Mac).
The New dialog box appears. If you copy a selection to the Clipboard and then choose File➪New, Photoshop automatically selects the Clipboard preset and enters the dimensions of the copied selection as the width and height of the new document. You can create the new, empty document and then paste the copied selection into it by pressing Ctrl+V (Ô+V on the Mac).
2. Type in a name for the new file.
If you specify no name, Photoshop creates one for you, such as Untitled-1, Untitled-2, and so forth.
3. Enter the width and height of your image by using one of the following methods:
-->Enter the width and height manually.
Type the width and height of your choice in the text boxes. The Preset size will automatically revert to Custom. Note that now when you change the units for either the width or height, the other also changes. Hold down the Shift key to change both width and height independently.
-->Choose a preset size from the Preset drop-down list.
The document sizes include Default Photoshop Size; common printing sizes such as 4 x 6, 5 x 7, or 8 x 10 inches; display screen sizes such as 640 x 480 pixels or 800 x 600 pixels; digital video sizes; plus an array of other popular sizes. Photoshop CS has a couple new presets. The Clipboard provides the size that corresponds with an image that you have copied to the clipboard. You can also choose to match the size of any open file.

Open files are listed at the bottom of the Preset list. Now for the best new preset — your own! Photoshop now allows you to create a user-defined custom preset based on your defined settings. Click the Save Preset button in the New Document Preset dialog box. Name your preset. Choose any or all the options you want to include in your preset. When you choose not to include an option, Photoshop displays the last used value for that option. Click OK.

Your custom preset now appears at the top of the Preset list. As with other Photoshop dialog boxes, you may change from the default unit of measurement of pixels to another, such as inches.
4. Enter the resolution for the new document.
For example, you may want to choose 72 pixels/inch for images that will be displayed on-screen and 300 pixels/inch for images that will be printed.

It’s important to choose the right resolution at this point in the creation process because if you need to change the resolution later, you degrade image quality. Note that Photoshop now kindly gives you the size of your image in the lower-right of the dialog box based on your settings. This is good information if you’re targeting a specific file size for your image.
5. From the Color Mode drop-down list, select a color mode.
Your choices include Bitmap, Grayscale, RGB Color, CMYK Color, and Lab Color. Photoshop CS now provides support for 16-bit images. Therefore, you can now select the desired color depth for your document. Only 1-bit color depth is available for Bitmap images (each pixel is either black or white). The remaining 8-bit and 16-bit color depths are available for the other color modes.
6. In the Background Contents dropdown list, select an option for how you want the background layer to be filled.
You choices are white, the current background color, or transparent.
7. Click the Advanced button to display a couple of additional options the New Document dialog box in Photoshop CS now has.
-->Color Profile assigns a color profile (a definition of the way color looks in a document) to your new document. The default color profile is the Don’t Color Manage This Document profile. I don’t recommend using this setting. As an overall recommendation, use Working RGB when creating a new document unless you have good reason not to otherwise. This setting provides a nice, large gamut (range) of RGB colors.
-->Pixel Aspect Ratio selects an aspect ratio (the relationship of Width to Height). The default setting of square is fine for print or Web images. Images for digital video content may require a non-square aspect ratio such as D1/DV NTSC or others.
8. Click OK when you’re finished entering your options.
Photoshop creates the new image.
Creating a New Image in Photoshop Creating a New Image in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 1:39:00 PM Rating: 5

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