Working with Extras in Photoshop

Extras are the optional items displayed on your screen, such as grids, guides, selection edges, annotations, slices, and the target path (a line drawn with the Pen tool). Although you can turn on and off the display of each of these options independently, the Extras function helps you to create a set of extras that you want to see or hide. You can then turn them all on or off at once.

The following list explains how to show or hide these extras:
-->To turn one extra on or off, choose View➪Show and then choose the extra you want to show or hide in the Show Extras Options dialog box.

--> To show or hide extras in a group, choose View➪Show➪Show Extras Options. Select each extra that you want to show in the dialog box that appears.

-->To show or hide all the extras you’ve selected in Extras Options, choose View➪Extras or press Ctrl+H (Ô+H on the Mac).
Working with Extras in Photoshop Working with Extras in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 6:20:00 PM Rating: 5

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