Editing an action in Photoshop

You can also edit individual steps of an action. Here are some of the editing changes you can make:
-->Move a step: To move a step from one place in the action to another, click the action you want to relocate and drag it to its new place in the action list.

-->Add a step in the middle: To add a new step in the middle of an existing action, select the step that you want to precede the new step. Click the Record button and perform the steps you want to add. Click the Stop Recording button when you’re finished.

-->Add a step to the end: To add a new step at the end of an existing action, select the name of the action, click the Record button, and perform the steps you want to add. Click the Stop Recording button when you’re finished.

-->Remove a step: Click the step you want to delete and either drag the step to the trash can icon, or click the trash can icon and click OK in the dialog box that pops up. (Hold down the Alt key [Option key on the Mac] to bypass the dialog box and delete the step without confirmation.) You can also select a step and choose Delete from the palette pop-up menu.

-->Duplicate a step: Hold down the Alt key (Option key on the Mac) and drag the step you want to duplicate to another location in the Actions palette. Photoshop then creates a copy of the step, leaving the original step where it was. You can also select a step and choose Duplicate from the palette pop-up menu or click the Create New Action button in the Actions palette. Photoshop then creates a duplicate step immediately after the one being copied. You can then drag the duplicate to the position where you want it to appear. You can also drag a step onto the Create New Action button to duplicate the step.

You can remove or duplicate an entire action by using the procedures described in the preceding list for removing a step and duplicating a step.
Editing an action in Photoshop Editing an action in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 7:28:00 AM Rating: 5

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