You can fill the interior of a path with color by choosing the Fill Path command. Follow these steps:
1. Select the path in the Paths palette and choose Fill Path from the Paths palette pop-up menu.
A dialog box gives options for Contents, Opacity, Blending, and Rendering. Or you can press the Alt key (Option on the Mac) and click the Fill Path with Foreground Color icon (a solid circle) at the bottom of the palette. You can also click the Fill icon without the Alt (Option on the Mac) key. This option bypasses the dialog box and just fills your path with whatever setting was used previously.
2. In the dialog box, leave the Blending Mode option set to Normal.
It’s better to use the Layers palette to apply your blend modes because you have more flexibility. Here is the scoop on the remaining options:
-The feathering option gradually blurs the edges of the fill into the background. Enter the feather radius in pixels. The more pixels, the greater the blur or feather.
-The anti-aliased option just slightly softens the very edge of the fill so it doesn’t appear as ragged.
3. After you set your options, click OK.
Your path should now be filled.
1. Select the path in the Paths palette and choose Fill Path from the Paths palette pop-up menu.
A dialog box gives options for Contents, Opacity, Blending, and Rendering. Or you can press the Alt key (Option on the Mac) and click the Fill Path with Foreground Color icon (a solid circle) at the bottom of the palette. You can also click the Fill icon without the Alt (Option on the Mac) key. This option bypasses the dialog box and just fills your path with whatever setting was used previously.
2. In the dialog box, leave the Blending Mode option set to Normal.
It’s better to use the Layers palette to apply your blend modes because you have more flexibility. Here is the scoop on the remaining options:
-The feathering option gradually blurs the edges of the fill into the background. Enter the feather radius in pixels. The more pixels, the greater the blur or feather.
-The anti-aliased option just slightly softens the very edge of the fill so it doesn’t appear as ragged.
If you select one or more paths with the Direct Selection tool, the Fill Path command changes to Fill Subpath(s), enabling you to fill only the selected paths.
3. After you set your options, click OK.
Your path should now be filled.
Filling a Path in Photoshop
Reviewed by Pepen2710
12:12:00 AM
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