Marqueeing When You Can in Photoshop

Photoshop geeks call the selection marquee by a variety of names. Sometimes it’s referred to as a marquee, other times as a selection, and you might even hear people call it a selection outline, an outline, selection edges, or just plain old edges. A favorite name for these dotted lines is marching ants. Throughout the book, I usually call them selection marquees. Boring? Maybe. Accurate? Yup. Whatever you want to call the selection marquee, how you create one depends on the particular marquee tool you use. The marquee tools are the easiest selection tools to use — so I suggest that you use them when you can.

In the Photoshop repertoire of tools, you’ll find four types of marquee tools: Rectangular Marquee, Elliptical Marquee, Single Row Marquee, and Single Column Marquee.
Marqueeing When You Can in Photoshop Marqueeing When You Can in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 3:39:00 AM Rating: 5

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