Moving and Cloning Selections

When you have your selection refined to the ultimate in perfection, you may then want to move it or clone it. To move a selection, simply grab the Move tool (the four-headed arrow) at the top right of the Tool palette, and then drag the selection. Sounds easy enough, right? When you move the selection, however, be warned that the area where the selection used to reside is now filled with the background color. This is provided, of course, that you are moving both the selection outline and the image pixels. You can move just the selection outline (without the pixels), as I explain in an upcoming section. Also note that if you are moving a selection on a layer, you are left with transparent
pixels. When you use the Move tool, your cursor icon changes to a pair of scissors, letting you know that you are cutting out the selection.

Drag ‘n’ drop ‘til you can’t stop
You can move and clone selections within a single image or among multiple images. To move a selection from one image to another, choose Edit➪Cut, activate the second image, and choose Edit➪Paste. To clone a selection, simply drag the selection with the Move tool from one image window and drop it onto another image window. The original image stays intact. To clone a selection marquee, drag the marquee with any selection tool from one image window to another.

If the idea of leaving a big hole in your image doesn’t appeal to you, you can copy and move the selection, leaving the original image intact. Just press Alt (Option on the Mac) and drag with the Move tool. This action is often referred to as cloning because you’re essentially making a duplicate of a selected area and then moving that duplicate elsewhere. When cloning, your cursor icon changes to a double-headed arrow, notifying you that you are duplicating the selection. If you want to move your selection in small increments (1 pixel), press your arrow keys while you have the Move tool selected. Press Shift along with an arrow key to move 10 pixels. And of course, adding the Alt (Option on the Mac) key to the key commands allows you to clone a selection while you move it.

You can temporarily access the Move tool by pressing the Ctrl (Ô on the Mac) key when you have any tool selected, except for the Hand tool, Pen tools, Slice tools, Path Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, and Shape tools. Likewise, press Alt along with Ctrl with any of these tools to clone and move a selection.

Moving the selection outline, but not the pixels
If all you want to do is move the selection marquee without moving the pixels underneath, you want to avoid using the Move tool. Instead, grab any selection tool — the marquee tools, the lasso tools, or the Magic Wand tool — and then click inside the marquee and just drag. That way you move only the outline of the element, not the element itself. You can also use the arrow keys to nudge a selection marquee.
Moving and Cloning Selections Moving and Cloning Selections Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 6:39:00 PM Rating: 5

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