Managing Preset Brushes in Photoshop

You can change the way brushes are shown in the Brushes Preset picker and Brushes palette by choosing a viewing mode from the picker’s or palette’s pop-up menu:
- Text Only: This displays the names of the brush tips in several columns (depending on how wide you’ve made the pop-up palette).
- Small Thumbnail: This is the default view, with a thumbnail image of the brush tip and its diameter in pixels.
- Large Thumbnail: This view provides a closer look at the brush tip.
- Small list: This view shows a single-column list of the brush tips with their text names.
- Large list: The larger list adds thumbnails so you can see the brush shape.
- Stroke thumbnail: This view shows a typical ess stroke by using the selected brush so you can see how it looks when applied.
Managing Preset Brushes in Photoshop Managing Preset Brushes in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 7:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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