Opening and Placing Images using Adobe Bridge in Photoshop

Bridge is a great tool for organizing and previewing images, but it can also be used for opening images in Photoshop and placing them into your InDesign and Illustrator layouts.

Opening Images
In Bridge, the quickest and easiest way to open an image in Photoshop is to double-click its thumbnail. However, if you prefer using menus, you can also choose File --> Open With --> Adobe Photoshop CS3, or select the same option from the pop-up menu by Control+clicking (Mac) or right-clicking the thumbnail. Alternatively, you can also select the thumbnail and press F/Ctrl+O. You can also open multiple images at once through Bridge. To do so, select the thumbnails (Shift+click to select adjacent thumbnails; F/Ctrl+click to select nonadjacent thumbnails) and then apply any of the opening methods already described. Note that double-clicking a RAW image (or a TIFF or JPEG when the Prefer Adobe Camera Raw preference is enabled) opens the image in Camera Raw and not Photoshop. You can access this preference in the Thumbnails panel of the Preferences dialog box (F/Ctrl+K).To open images in Photoshop after working with them in Camera Raw, click the Open Image button in the bottomright corner of the Camera Raw window.

Placing Images
To place an image (or multiple images) directly from Bridge into an InDesign or Illustrator layout, select the thumbnails of the images you’d like to place and drag and drop them into the open document. It helps if you switch to Compact mode in Bridge, because this allows you to place the Bridge window next to the layout document without taking up too much room on your screen. When dragging and dropping from Bridge into InDesign or Illustrator, all images are placed as links (not embedded) at 100% of their print size; therefore, you may need to resize them in the document after they are imported. Remember that resolution rules apply here when placing and resizing graphics; therefore, be sure not to size images above 100% in your layout. It is safe to reduce their size (below 100%), because doing so will maintain resolution during output. If an empty frame is selected in InDesign prior to dragging and dropping, the image is automatically placed in the frame at 100% of its print size. In this instance, you may  need to resize the image to fit the frame by using the Direct Selection tool, or apply any of InDesign’s Fitting commands located under the Object menu. Placing images in this way can be especially helpful when working on a catalog or similar layout that contains graphic frame placeholders (that is, empty graphic frames that are in position and awaiting content).

Opening and Placing Images using Adobe Bridge in Photoshop Opening and Placing Images using Adobe Bridge in Photoshop Reviewed by Pepen2710 on 11:50:00 PM Rating: 5

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