You will want to adopt a file-naming system that makes sense and works for you. Your file-naming system needs to be compatible with how you handle your images. Many companies that work with large numbers of customer files use job numbers. If you tend to create multiple versions of images, your file-naming system should reflect this as well.
You will note from my filename used earlier, Clouds_RGB_300_1.psd, that my basic file-naming system entails the following: logical name_color space_linear resolution_version #_file format extension. I will sometimes add a modifying name to the logical name, such as Clouds_Type_RGB_300_1.tif if I have created a specific version of that file that contains type.
This naming scheme works well for me. Yours will most likely be different. I suggest that you make a list of the key characteristics you would like to have in your filenames and design a system around that. Be prepared to change your mind and allow your naming system to evolve, especially at first, until you have a naming system that best suits your image use and workflow needs.
You will note from my filename used earlier, Clouds_RGB_300_1.psd, that my basic file-naming system entails the following: logical name_color space_linear resolution_version #_file format extension. I will sometimes add a modifying name to the logical name, such as Clouds_Type_RGB_300_1.tif if I have created a specific version of that file that contains type.
This naming scheme works well for me. Yours will most likely be different. I suggest that you make a list of the key characteristics you would like to have in your filenames and design a system around that. Be prepared to change your mind and allow your naming system to evolve, especially at first, until you have a naming system that best suits your image use and workflow needs.
File-Naming System
Reviewed by Pepen2710
1:47:00 AM
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