Both InDesign and QuarkXPress 6.5 and 7 documents accept PSD file format images. However, InDesign allows for more-dependable and flexible access to them. You can place PSD files into QuarkXPress layouts and control their layer visibility only if the free third-party PSD Import XTensions software plug-in is installed. The plug-in comes installed with QuarkXPress 7, and a version for QuarkXPress 6.5 is available for download at
One advantage to working with PSDs in InDesign over QuarkXPress is that InDesign allows you to control visibility for certain Photoshop effect layers such as type and shape layers. InDesign also gives you access to any layer comps embedded in the PSD. QuarkXPress cannot process certain PSD layer items such as clipping masks, vector masks (type and shape layers), or groups. However, QuarkXPress can interpret basic image layers and adjustment layers without any problems. When it does encounter a problem, it still allows you to place the PSD, but only in a composite form without allowing you access to the individual layers in the PSD Import palette.
One advantage to working with PSDs in InDesign over QuarkXPress is that InDesign allows you to control visibility for certain Photoshop effect layers such as type and shape layers. InDesign also gives you access to any layer comps embedded in the PSD. QuarkXPress cannot process certain PSD layer items such as clipping masks, vector masks (type and shape layers), or groups. However, QuarkXPress can interpret basic image layers and adjustment layers without any problems. When it does encounter a problem, it still allows you to place the PSD, but only in a composite form without allowing you access to the individual layers in the PSD Import palette.
Page Layout Acceptance of PSD File Format Images
Reviewed by Pepen2710
1:41:00 AM
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